Tag: relationships
I jumped off 11 cliffs to cure my fear of heights
Did it work? I’m not sure, but it was a birthday present I’ll never forget.
Yes, we’re a mixed couple, but don’t take us at face value
Diversity isn’t black and white, it’s in the little details that define us.
It took a baby kangaroo to make me say “yes” to the Aussie in the yak hat
Sometimes, love is a leap and bound of faith.
The healing, magical power of dancing with myself
How I rediscovered love and joy after years of abuse.
Why I fell head over heels for a man who looks dazzling in stilettos
Dressing as you please is the height of confidence.
Love is letting go of the luxury of being alone
There’s a lot to be said for luxuriating in your own sweet company, until you discover the joys of falling for someone who makes you better together.
How Mr Spreadsheet rocked my world, in more ways than one
Being good with numbers can help to bring a healthy balance to a marriage.
My fabulous new life as a senior ballerina
The sad truth is that people often lose a part of themselves in relationships. Or maybe that’s just me.