Tag: Kagiso Msimango
The true story of the baby in the red box
The stories we tell our children are stories that come from the heart, bonding us in wide-eyed wonder through the magic of imagination. And we learn as much in the telling, as our children do in the listening.
I know it’s none of my business, but…
It turns out feeding your infant son Herbalife is not a crime – I checked on this. Neither is allowing your six year old to walk 800 metres on her own, nor religiously honouring wine o’clock while breastfeeding, nor giving your Things unlimited access to sugar, nor is chain-smoking in the presence of your newborn.
Your other heart
Having kids is guaranteed to get your heart broken. Mom-in-progress Kagiso Msimango explains.
This village is for all types of moms
Mom-in-progress Kagiso Msimango believes all moms – single, partnered, married or whatever – need all the support they can get.
Why it takes a woman to change the world
Feminine energy is forever in flux, shifting, mutating, transforming. And it begins at a very early age, as mom-in-progress Kagiso Msimango is discovering…
The politics of poo
Welcome to the weird and sometimes wonderful parallel universe of motherhood, where boobs are whipped out in public and no subject occupies the mind more frequently than baby’s bottom.
What dinosaurs can teach us about motherhood
There are good reasons why babies see all humans as “the Mama” or “Not- the-Mama”. If you’re a Mama, here’s a handy guide to surviving that distinction. By Kagiso Msimango
New baby, jealous sibling, grumpy cat.
Kagiso Msimango came up with innovative ways to prepare her firstborn for the arrival of a sibling. The cat, on the other hand, was a different story…