Tag: family
Never be afraid to ask for help in times of pain and trouble
A lesson about gratitude and the art of paying it forward.
Why living with daily dread makes me appreciate life more
The secret is learning to take life one day at a time.
Life is like a couple of slices of just-baked banana bread
What the pandemic taught me about uncertainty and possibility
The midnight ride that made me change my mind about the job I loved
There’s something to be said for a 9-to-5.
The patches of love that helped heal my aching heart
At my lowest ebb, it was the comfort of strangers that kept me going.
I would do anything for the Monday afternoon crew who saved me from myself
Knowing you’re not alone is the first step to changing your life.
The little dust-up that brought the winds of change to our village
When neighbours stand together, anything can happen.
At my lowest ebb, a million hands reached out to save me from myself
When you need rescuing, all you have to do is ask.
Here’s to Christmas, a time of crackers, beetroot juice, stupid paper crowns, and love
In an age of change, there’s always good reason to cherish the unchanging rituals of the Bog Family Christmas.