Category: Tying the Knot
The Six Types of Crazy Guys You Meet at a Bachelor Party
I’m not sure anything can prepare you as that big weekend lands. There is loads of advice I could give you, to give you the edge to bachelor party survival. Instead, I’m going to impart my advice on the key characters you should be looking out for when you attend a bachelors.
I Saved My Marriage by Opting Out of Being a Wife
I have been married for 10 years. I know – thank you. It has been an extraordinary journey with a really lovely man and two children (3 cats, but they are easy). Some of it has been awesome beyond words, and some of it awful beyond words.
How I lost the Mighty Battle to be the Number One Rugby Fan in the House
I used to pride myself on being able to tell you exactly why a referee was blowing up play a nano-second after he did so, but I bit my tongue ever since I called offside and she told me it was because the game had ended.
Do I Really Need Another Baby in my Life? Maybe, baby.
Changing my mind on marriage took about six years of tea and a lot of courage, but it still hasn’t prepared me for the next big question that’s been cropping up now and then: “So, are you going to have a baby?”
True Confessions of a Rugby Ignoramus
At the mention of rugby, I’m likely to be found in a corner somewhere, preferably under a blankie, in the foetal position, gently rocking and humming. Simply put, I’m not a fan.
It’s a 50-freaking-year commitment, people!
Never mind the stuff life throws at when you choose to tie the knot. What about the stuff you wind up throwing at each other? Yes, you take on a lot when you promise to have and to hold. But as long as you have and hold each other, you can handle whatever marriage has…
A Change Artist Who Loves to Change the Skin You’re In
“It becomes a part of you. You get through the tattoo and it’s almost like you’ve taken your first step towards your goal. Whether it’s getting over a breakup, quitting drinking, moving to a different country or tackling grief, the tattoo is a promise that it’s going to be okay.”
Tying the knot? Play the Bounce with BrightRock!
Rugby is like life in so many ways – when you’re playing such an odd-shaped ball, there’s no telling where it will land. No matter how good you are or how much you’ve practised! The same applies to Tying the Knot.
The High Cost of Tying the Knot
Marriage is a contract between parties, and few parties are as significant as the one you hold on the day you get married. “For richer or for poorer,” runs the pledge, the latter being the likelier option once you’ve tallied up the bill.
Don’t Miss David O’Sullivan’s Iris Session About Wedding Budgets!
Big Days cost Big Money. That’s why planning a wedding is one of the first, financial challenges most couples tend to face once they decide to tie the knot – especially if they’re planning the wedding of their dreams.