Category: Change moments
How the food in my hood brings me comfort & joy
Fried eggs on toast remains a regular and easy option for the fussy palates of my children in the diverse eateries of Observatory in Cape Town. Here, in this happy fuzz of small eateries, there is a stark absence of food chains.
The lessons the oracle taught me about life, survival, & phuthu pap
She was preparing our meal for that afternoon, a humble dish of phuthu pap (crumbed pap) and maas. The maas was a product of milk she got from her cows which she fermented. This was one of my favourite meals, growing up.
If rugby be the food of love, play on!
Win or lose, and more win than lose, please, rugby is a game that brings South Africans together, not just in the stadium or the lounge, but around the braai or the potjie. It’s a rich part of our sporting and culinary heritage, worth celebrating even more in the light of our recent Big Victory…
Life is a moving experience, but it always leads you home
I always start each move by packing up my room, clothes and shoes. I then move onto my kitchen and the living room. Finally, my prized possessions take the longest to pack. I have a habit of going through each photo album, old letters from friends, and every birthday card I had ever received.
The secret joys of staying in your comfort zone
There is definitely comfort to be had in cycles of habit and personal rituals. Scanning the news daily every morning is one of mine, always with a cup of coffee of course.
Rolling with the strange circadian rhythms that govern our lives
We are all caught in the rat race because there is no other race to run. Each of us getting in our cars, on the train or on the bus have our own unique rhythms and routines.
Up close with Tracey Lange, the law student who chatted & sang her way to a modern multimedia career
On the cusp of exciting new opportunities and new challenges, Tracey sat down with Ruda for a chat about work, change, independence, and the fine art of seizing the moment and making life work.
How I’m learning to love routine & change the look on my face
According to a friend, I have the most spectacular RBF (Resting Bitch Face) he’s ever seen. He hadn’t come across the term until I introduced him to it one day at work.