Category: Change agents
Raphael Bromilow
Raphael (19) is native to Cape Town’s Deep South, where he spends a little too much of his time immersed in coffee table books whilst trying to figure out what to do with his life.
Ishay Govender-Ypma
Ishay Govender-Ypma is a freelance travel and food journalist, who wisely abandoned a career in commercial law in the pursuit of cultural immersion and air miles.
Liani Maré
Liani Maré has an adventurous soul and believes that good things happen to those who endure.
Sean O’Connor
Sean O’Connor is a happily re-singled parent of three, who runs his own business, producing theatre in the workplace, in communities, and in public spaces.
Kirsty Bisset
Business Analyst, Social Media Agency Owner, Patron Princess, Twitter Queen, Businesswoman, Blogger, Model, Socialite, Entrepreneur, Presenter, Thinker … Kirsty is accomplished, well-travelled and highly educated.
Linette Retief
Linette is a mother, a writer, a friend, a sister, a journalist, a cat lover and, in her free time, a bit of a lyricist (she loves capturing and harnessing all kinds of emotion within the discipline of rhythm).
Stephen Wallace
Born on a mine dump, where he had sword fights using hacked-off weed-eaters, Stephan says he discovered he had a knack for using lines, shapes and colours to tell stories.