Author: Sean O’Connor
Life is the art of making it up as you go along
One thing that people seem to realise is that improv is very good for collaboration and strengthens relationships. Personally, as I face a huge prospect of change, with my children attending school in another country, I use the first law of improvisation: ‘let go.’
My Old Clothes Aren’t Hand-Me-Downs, They’re Lift-Me-Ups
A change in clothing has accompanied every phase of my life, as it has for my children. Nappies were their welcome-pants to life, but are mercifully no more. Now, I take deliveries of clothing from my sister and others, some which we parted from and which have returned.
Talking to Your Kids About the Ultimate Taboo
Children are exposed to death, and need support to understand the sudden absence of a loved one, as does everyone. I have come to see that children are more candid and less guarded than their adults, and that there is much to learn from them.
The Sheer Joy of Watching My Daughter Learn to Fly
I watch, support and learn where I can, having recognised many years ago that despite calling her ‘our girl’ or ‘my daughter’, these children do not belong to me. I am simply privileged to care for them until they fly away one day.
The Awesome Power of Hitting the Pause Button on Life
Hitting pause, an idea from a child’s game, now becomes an adult’s prerogative. It allows me to reflect on how to keep close the things I hold dear,
Seven Road-Trip Games That Will Save Your Sanity
Car trips are a drag. “When will we get there?” is not just a kid’s question, but the driver’s too. Stuck on the road, Sean O’Connor has learnt a few handy resources, which he shares in this post.
The Life-Lessons I Learned From a Random Act of Kindness
The other day, I noticed a woman, unsure whether she could cross the street in front of me. It was a stop street, after all, a good place to cross, but cars have a bad rep for pedestrians.
This Holiday, Children, Amuse Yourselves!
If you believe that you’re in your children’s service, and must drive them all over town and find ways to amuse them over the holidays, you’re doomed, writes Sean O’Connor.
Hey, Other Road Users, Why do You Have to Drive Me Crazy?
In the narrow streets of Observatory, people who don’t know how big their cars are slam on anchors and creep through the tiniest of gaps. I breeze through them like them like a ninja.