Author: Rochelle Barrish
What Ouma & her squad of fearsome Aunties taught me about the power of sisterhood
Being a part of my sisterhood means I’m able to stand up straight and tower over my circumstances.
How I finally learned the secret of a happy, healthy marriage
One of my favourite me-time activities are birthday freebies. The get-one-free-ticket-for-the-birthday-person deal, and having the freedom of the city at a discounted price.
Why I love the plot-twists and turns of my reinvented life
Reinvention has been a recurring theme in my life, both personally and professionally. In my defense, my early reinventions were forced on me, rather than me deciding to flip the switch.
Listen up, money, it’s my turn to talk
All my life, at home and at work, I’ve listened to money talking.
Why I want to spare my son the burden of paying black tax
In changing times, it’s time to change the age-old system My 14-year-old son recently reaped the rewards of his two-year saving goal. He bought himself a gaming computer. He’d grown tired of the previous item he saved for, an Xbox 1. Our deal with him is: if you’d like a big-ticket item, you have to…
The delicate art of surviving Christmas with a teenager in tow
What do you do when the family Yule is no longer cool?
How I Finally Managed to put the Peace & Joy Back into Our Family Christmas
When the yuletide season bring back memories of trauma and sadness, it takes a lot of courage and hard work to start all over again
Falling in love with my mother tongue brought my mother back into my dreams
My therapist consults in English and Afrikaans, and she was amazed to hear me speak Afrikaans so fluently.
The terrible fantasy that rescued me from myself
A story about learning to love the kinder, calmer you.