Author: BrightRock
The life insurance industry in a COVID-19 era: where to now?
The impact of COVID-19 on the life insurance industry was recently highlighted when ASISA released their 2020 statistics for the sector.
Insurance for the self-employed
It might be tempting for SME owners to neglect focusing on insurance, but in an environment governed by uncertainty, costs and risks are well managed.
The ins and outs of Group Risk insurance
Group risk cover is a good vehicle to help protect your employees against the possibility of something happening to them where their ability to earn a living is compromised,
Financial planning 101 for young adults
Debt can be healthy and unhealthy. Healthy debt is the sort of debt that adds value to your life and is often asset-based, such as a student loan or a car.
BrightRock founders: Our life insurance is not ‘one size fits all’
BrightRock founders joined the BizNews Power Hour to chat to Alec Hogg about their incredibly successful venture as BrightRock celebrates its 10th birthday.
Anti Stress Anxiety Relief Game
Want to recharge? Just put your thumbs on the two pads and recharge that battery! Yes, this is a real game.
Caring for special needs children
Life insurance policies help policyowners financially prepare for the unexpected. But what if something happens to the child of the person who has taken out the policy?
BrightRock celebrates 10 years in the life insurance business
Needs-matched life insurer, BrightRock, celebrates its tenth anniversary today. Founded in 2011, BrightRock’s achievements are an entrepreneurial success story.
Why it’s time to change the way we think about mental health
In the shadow of the pandemic, we look at mental health concerns in a new light.