I’m Packed & Ready to Check-In at the Baby Hotel

Being 35 weeks pregnant with twins seems like the right time to be prepared for going to the hospital. Or the baby hotel, as I like to call it, because it’s the only place we will go this December, apart from our house.

As I am having a caesarean section and not a natural or water birth, I’ll skip the candles,  warm water bottle, lip balm, aroma oils and posters with inspiring quotes.

These are the items that made the cut:

1. Comfortable sleepwear with buttons down the front, and a cotton nightgown

My pre-pregnancy pyjamas don’t fit anymore, and these new items are preferable to an old, over sized t-shirt.

2. Flip flops

It is summer after all, and I’ve heard that my feet may swell up as I waddle to the bathroom and back.

3. Cash

I’m not sure what I’ll buy and what I’ll need, but I like being prepared in case I have a sudden urge for chocolate.

4. Maternity and breast pads

These are the least attractive items in my suitcase but I have been advised that they are necessary for the days after the birth.

4. Cell phone and charger

To communicate with the outside world, and to send pics pof the new additions to my brothers, sisters in law and their kids tanning on the beach. I’m certain I’m too optimistic about the time I think I’ll have to do other things, but I could read the news and be thankful that my current challenges are only blessings.

5. Earplugs

This is more to protect me from myself than anything else. Since I’ve been pregnant, I have had blocked sinuses and have been snoring like a trooper. So much so that I would wake myself up. Maybe this can help with the last uninterrupted sleep I’ll be getting for a few years.

6. A book or magazines

Any light entertainment or distraction will do, as the babies might sleep for some time and I will be awake for some of those hours. I suspect I’m going to be one of those mothers who is active on Facebook in the early hours.

7. A going-home outfit

I’ll go for something loose and flattering. My skinny jeans will only see me again in 2016.

8. Toiletries, hair bands & plastic bag for laundry

Just the basics, A friend also recommended dry shampoo, as I won’t be able to wash my hair daily and oily hair has never looked great.

9. Sweets and liquids

I should be considering healthy treats and juices, but I might slip in some wine gums, sour sweets or ice tea.

10. Diaper bag with newborn diapers, wipes and creams

One pack of diapers to start off with, as we need to see what the right size is. Some newborn diapers can be too big, especially for twins

11. Five sets of baby clothes, incuding baby grows, bibs, mittens and socks

I’ve packed the practical ones as well as one or two cute newborn outfits that I’ve imagined them wearing for months already.

12. Four to six baby blankets

I’ll go for a variety of blankets and swaddling wraps, to cover days, nights, and sleeping times, I’m sure I’ll want to use a new one right away if it starts to smell like sour milk.

13. Two small fluffy bunnies

I can’t resist packing soft toys, and these are gifts from their grandmother.

14. Medical Aid card, hospital authorisation number, certified copies of our IDs and Civil Union Certificate, Camera & charger

Just typing this is a serious reminder that I need to let go now…I’m packed and ready!


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