Be Ready Rapid Fire with Bongi Mbonambi

Be Ready Rapid Fire with Bongi Mbonambi

Rugby pro Bongi Mbonambi has a minute to win it

What do pro rugby players do when they’re off the field, navigating change at home? They flex their mental muscles with Change Coach Dalin Oliver’s rapid-fire quiz!

Change Coach, Dalin Oliver, is on a mission to help some of our favourite pro rugby players flex a different set of muscles while they’re stuck at home during the rugby break. He’s giving them just 60 seconds to answer as many questions as they can, testing their mental agility as they navigate their way through change while off the field.

Find out if Bongi Mbonambi has what it takes to answer all of Coach Dalin’s rapid-fire questions in under a minute. Does he prefer meat or pasta? Salads or veggies? Is he an early bird or a night owl? And will his dashing smile and positive attitude help him make it to the end? Or will the laughs distract him from the end goal?


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