Be Ready Rapid Fire with Siya Kolisi

Be Ready Rapid Fire with Siya Kolisi

Springbok captain Siya Kolisi flexes his mental muscles with Change Coach, Dalin Oliver, battling some pressure off the field

What does a pro rugby player do when they’re off the field, forced to navigate and embrace change at home? They get mentally fit by answering Change Coach Dalin Oliver’s rapid-fire quiz!

Watch Coach Dalin put pressure on some of our favourite pro rugby players by testing their mental fitness during #lockdown, as they navigate their way through this #ChangeMoment with the rest of the country.

Can Siya Kolisi answer all the rapid-fire questions in 60 seconds? It’s more tricky than you’d think! Is he an early bird or a night owl? Would he rather chat over the phone or on Whatsapp? And how will he save his marriage to wife Rachel when faced with the choice between Rihanna or Jennifer Lopez?

Will he triumph like the champ he is, or will he buckle under the pressure? Find the answers to all these questions, and more, in the video!


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