What We Can All Learn About Life & Change From the Blitzboks

Sevens_postedIn a bleak year for South African rugby, the Blitzboks offered hope and a shot at redemption. What is the secret of their success, and what can they teach the rest of us? 

Picture: World Rugby

What makes the Blitzboks so special? Why is it that the Springboks are at rock bottom, but these guys are consistently at the top of their game?

First of all, you can’t really compare the two. This is something disgruntled rugby fans have been trying to do on social media, but it’s a fruitless exercise.

What we can do is evaluate what makes this unit so special and perhaps establish some elements that the Springboks, and indeed you, can change to make 2017 a success.


Kyle Brown led the team for the better part of five years, but then felt that his time was up in the role. Though still with much to give the team, he felt the leadership dynamic would benefit from someone with greater longevity, so he passed the captaincy on to Philip Snyman. No ego, no pressures, just a decision based on a mature understanding for what is best for the team.

Core players

Every great team has a strong core. Team members will come and go, but with a core in place, the essence of what the team is about and is capable of will never change too much. New players fit in quicker as the pressure is off them, they know what is required of them, and they most importantly get to learn and develop with the best.

Clear identity

Identity is hugely important in sport, and when it comes to Blitzboks their identity is defined and very strong. Flair, peak performance, dedication, team work and leadership – this team is built on these principles. So much so it is more a sporting brotherhood than it is a team. Players play for each other, constantly inspiring them forward.

Ability to perform at an optimal level

When you get to work as a team for a meaningful time, you get to develop the right skills, belief and experience you need to excel at the highest level. There are no questions over what the right team is, what the game plan is or if they are good enough for the challenges ahead. This is all pre-determined, and all that is left is to execute. This is where you want to be in life. If you aren’t here, you will never be the best.

Absolute simplicity

There are very few moving parts to the well-oiled Blitzboks machine. They are a living example of how great things can happen when everyone sings from one song sheet. No meddling in team selections, no meddling in staff appointments, they have one controlled conditioning plan to address the physical nature of the game, and one single vision on how to play as a team.


None of the above applies to the Springboks right now. If the same can be said about you on a personal professional level, then perhaps it’s time to make some changes. Perhaps it’s time to channel the simplistic essence of the Blitzboks’ success and see where it can take you in the new year!


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