Change Talk - Chester Missing with Siv Ngesi

Change Talk – Chester Missing with Siv Ngesi

How are South Africans handling lockdown? Never ones to shy away from touchy subjects, irreverent puppet and actor/comedian Siv Ngesi chat about their observations in this episode of Change Talk.

Siv also talks about, and shows off, his lockdown passion project – his muscles. With so much time on his hands, his already-impressive six pack has now become an eight pack. And Chester can barely contain himself…

These two know just how to bring some much-needed light-heartedness to the difficult times we all face. And that’s exactly why we created this episode of Change Talk for you. Because, when #Change gets overwhelming, South Africans have an innate ability to find the funny and to overcome. Laughter, after all, brings us closer together even when we’re apart!


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