Podcast: Esmaré Weideman on Loving Change from the newsroom, to the boardroom

Esmaré Weideman was appointed CEO of Media 24 in 2011 after more than twenty years as a journalist and editor of the flagship weeklies, Huisgenoot, You and Drum. 

As a member of her Board of Directors, I have enormous respect for the way she has steered that huge media ship through the upheaval of the digital revolution, as traditional sources of revenue fell away and new paths had to be forged.

I met in her Cape Town home in November 2016 to interview her for VeranderDinge, a lifestyle programme co-produced by BrightRock for Afrikaans DStv channel kykNET.

The English translation of our conversation is available in Tell Me Your Story, a book of interviews I did with prominent South Africans about their life choices and about how change has affected them.