Tag: needs-matched
Life insurance should be part of your 2025 financial resolutions
Life insurance often takes a back seat when it comes to financial planning, but it’s one of the most crucial steps toward securing your future and protecting your loved ones. As you reflect on your financial goals for the year ahead, making life insurance a priority can be one of the smartest decisions you make.…
Do you know when your insurance premium guarantee expires?
Changes in mortality and lapse rates leave policyholders with a nasty premium shock.
How to afford escalating life insurance premiums
In the current cost-of-living crisis many people are reconsidering their life insurance because the premiums are too high.
Understanding how your insurance cover and premiums will grow
Affordability is a key part of most people’s thought process when buying life insurance. While it is important to have premiums that you can afford today, it’s even more essential that your premiums remain sustainable in the future, so you can keep your cover. Premium funding patterns play an important role when it comes to…
Did you know that insurance companies offer cover for home executives?
Taking care of a home and children is one of the most important jobs anyone could have. Despite home executives taking care of many duties, covering them should they suffer a serious illness or injury, or should they even pass away, is not something we consider when taking out life insurance. Why it’s important for…
Navigating life insurance in uncertain times
Personal insurance extends beyond income protection to leaving a legacy, covering debts, protecting assets and looking after one’s family in the future.
Income Protection cannot take an umbrella approach
Everyone has different circumstances that are distinct from the next person.
BrightRock’s needs-matched group risk product in action – certainty when members claim.
The last two years have been challenging for most people across the world. We’ve seen unprecedented change, and we’ve all had to adapt to those changes and find new ways of doing things.
Needs-matched life insurer BrightRock announces growth in 2021, despite a challenging time for the life insurance industry
Needs-matched life insurer, BrightRock, today provided an update on its business performance results across its individual life, group risk, and funeral businesses for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2021.
Client-centric approach key to insurer’s success
Adapting a different, client-centric approach which precisely matches clients’ needs and offers them 40 percent more cover for the same premium is the key driver to what has elevated life insurer BrightRock to reach the R1 billion mark in claims. This since entering the market only seven years ago, says BrightRock chief executive Schalk Malan.…