Category: Life Event
Keep Your Hands Off My Christmas Tree!
‘What? That’s my tree! Hold it right there, you monster!’ I shrieked at him. ‘What kind of man gives away his woman’s Christmas tree?’
How a Secret Santa Solved All My Christmas Gift Worries
I think it’s a dark art, matching people with things they didn’t know they didn’t need until you gave it to them.
The Kitchen Secrets of Chef Lesego, SA’s King of Vetkoek
Lesego Semenya is just as comfortable judging Top Chef on television as he is tweeting about football, vetkoek or fine wine. And it’s exactly this authenticity that have made him so popular.
9 Bold & Brave Ways to Make the World a Less Scary Place
I’ve been medicated for anxiety for over a decade, and I have always been pretty impressed by my handle on the issue. But pack on the immediacy and hopelessness of the world outlook at the moment, and even my anti-depressants are faltering.
Holding out Hope for a New Bok Era
Zero continuity planning, instead a completely new approach every time. In effect three steps forward, and two steps back – at best. Most often four steps back, meaning that it has been incredibly difficult to take the South African game forward.
Life is the art of making it up as you go along
One thing that people seem to realise is that improv is very good for collaboration and strengthens relationships. Personally, as I face a huge prospect of change, with my children attending school in another country, I use the first law of improvisation: ‘let go.’
Just Say “No” to November!
You’ll know Novemberitis by the way you suddenly have zero desire to rack up those fitness points, and rather look forward to binge-watching Hallmark movies on the weekend.