Category: Just Curious
How the old Holy Man of rock ‘n roll wrote my back pages
Reliving the memory of seeing Dylan for the first time still brings a tear to my eye.
The life lessons you learn when your layer cake flops
Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too, but first you’ve got to bake it.
Sharlotte Wilson, the Arty Angel of Heidedal
Through helping others find beauty, she makes herself feel whole again.
The future I see when I look back at yester-me
Can we dream ourselves into who we have always wanted to be?
Kroonstad, the town that rolled up its sleeves and won back its crown
The true pride of this Free State town is the people who joined forces to fix it.
Lené du Toit, the DIY Queen of Koffiefontein
Stop at the old coffee fountain, and find the time to take the Free State to heart.
Jacobus Silwer, the art-and-soul renaissance man of Fauresmith
With pen or guitar in hand, he sings the praises of his beloved Free State dorp.
Paddy Gordon, Guardian of the Golden Gate’s world of beauty, history, and legend
Every day, as manager of the park, he learns something new about the wild.
The life-changing joys of never admiring quietly
Why paying a compliment can have dividends for both parties.
Nkosana, the Free State “Farmboi” who turned a birthday gift into a thriving boerdery
For the love of the land, he loves his job.