Author: Community
Why I gave up my top management job to become a rural postman
The plan was to take at least one year off, live a little and then have a good think about what to do next.
Talk to Your Money Before it Says Goodbye!
Money talks. It jingles it jangles, it rustles, it clatters, it ka-chings. Most of the time, before you can even get a word in edgeways, all it does is whisper as it waves you goodbye.
Meet Jana, the Super Mom of Moomie
Offering friendly advice on every aspect of being a mom, from pregnancy to relationships to health and well-being, Moomie is the brainchild of Jana Grobbelaar, entrepreneur, editor, and mother-of-three.
A Teenager’s Guide to Life, Lunch, & Looking After Yourself
Every morning I make myself a healthy lunch for school. Waking up 15 minutes earlier is enough to ensure I have a wholesome and substantial meal to help me get through my busy day.
How Working From Home Allowed Me to be Myself Again
Because the company is headquartered in Dubai, I’ve had to work remotely. My new boss apologised for the lack of an office. He shouldn’t have. It’s been a blessing.
What kind of Christmas tree are you?
From Grand Traditional with all the trimmings, to hipster-style minimalism, the Christmas tree in your lounge says as much about you as it does about your Christmas itself.
5 sure ways to stay happy & sane this festive season
The end of the year is meant to be a time of good cheer and relaxation. But the pressures of the season can take their toll on your relationships and your sanity.