Author: Community
I’m not a real person yet, but I’m getting there
The tough thing about adulthood is not just living up to your own wild ambitions, but trying to match the hopes and expectations of others. Your parents, especially. But how can you be a real person, when you’re trying to be the person other people want you to be? You just have to keep your…
What it’s like to be young, black, and heavily in debt
Starting your first job is major milestone in life, but the milestone can turn into a millstone when you set out to live the high life and land yourself in debt. By Pamela Mkhize
The vital, life-affirming oxygen of me-time
To quit your job on the verge of 50, and start all over again, is to take a deep breath of the air of change. As they say in the safety announcements, “First, put on your own oxygen mask.” Only then can you dare to fly high on the wings of new challenges. By Sonia Mather
Q&A: Lize Hartley, skintrepreneur
Meet the bright young entrepreneur behind the sticking-plaster brand that is shifting attitudes and bringing new shades to the market.
Why it might be time for a digital detox
Being tech-savvy might not be so “savvy” after all. We’re disconnecting from our loved ones and losing the ability to communicate “organically”. Our brains are rarely switching off, spending more time on devices than they do sleeping. Enter the digital detox – a new way of recharging batteries and connecting with the world around you.
The power of positively thinking
In our fast-paced, hurry-up-the-ladder, get-out-of-my-way world, we rarely take the time to stop and think about where we’re going and how we ought to get there. A little reflection can be your secret weapon in business and in life, says Alec Hogg.
The modern nightmare of the multi-culinary dinner party
Some don’t eat meat, some can’t handle carbs, some are cutting down on gluten. If you’re hosting a dinner party, it can be enough to drive you nuts. But be careful…some are allergic to nuts too. Sue Dunham gets to grips with the challenge of catering for a multitude of tastes.