13 financial tips for newlyweds

A while ago, Change Agent Maya Fisher-French shared some advice with us on how couples should consciously couple their money. Since then, we’ve found more handy tips at Forbes.com (13 tips, to be exact) to help you navigate you and your spouse through the money-clutter. It basically boils down to the following:

1. Talk about your financial goals, memories and habits

2. Take a look at the numbers

3. Set financial goals

4. Create a budget

5. Decide how to set up your accounts

6. Designate a bill payer and weekly or biweekly money meeting

7.  Set a minimum threshold cost for discussing big expenses

8. Talk about how you’ll deal with friends or family in need of money

9. Call your accountant

10. Update all your beneficiaries

11. Give your spouse power of attorney

12. Create or update your will to include your spouse

13. Update or re-evaluate all your insurance policies

You can read the complete Forbes article here. Got any other that kept your marriage out of stormy waters? Share them below.


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