Be Ready Rapid Fire Ruhan Nel

Be Ready Rapid Fire with Ruhan Nel

Flexing your mental muscles is certainly one healthy way to navigate and embrace change at home. And Change Coach, Dalin Oliver, is helping some of SA’s best rugby players do exactly that with his rapid-fire quiz!

See Coach Dalin Oliver put some pressure on Ruhan as he tests the rugby pro’s mental fitness. He’s quizzing some of our favourite players as they navigate their way through Change – and life in #lockdown – at home during the rugby break.

Ruhan Nel has to wade through some of life’s toughest questions, such as: Nintendo or Playstation? Meat or pasta? Salads or veggies? Life can change in the blink of an eye, and you always have to be ready for what comes your way. Fortune favours the prepared, after all!

Does Ruhan have what it takes to answer all of Coach Dalin’s questions in 60 seconds? Will he pass with flying colours or get tripped up?