Chatting Change Episode 9: Super-Planner Precious on Preventing & Surviving Wedding Day Disasters

Whether the Big Day is a grand traditional affair or a trendy contemporary celebration, every wedding is fraught with the prospect of the most carefully-calculated plans going wrong, wrong, wrong.

That’s why more and more forward-thinking couples are outsourcing every detail of their nuptials to expert wedding planners who know what it takes to remain cool, calm, and collected in a crisis.

And few are more practised at planning and executing the Perfect Wedding than Precious “The Planner” Thamaga, who shares her secrets, tips, and precious memories, including the tale of the long-delayed groom who almost got away.

Chatting Change is made just for you, by BrightRock – the first ever needs-matched life insurance that changes as your life changes. #LoveChange.

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